Tag Archives: Imran Hylton
Area Stage’s Enveloping Beauty and the Beast Charms Again
Area Stage’s Giancarlo Rodaz’s visionary, deeply moving new production of Beauty and the Beast, a near identical production as it mounted last summer, but with two new leads, is as radical a restaging as John Doyle’s Sweeney Todd.
Area Stage’s Inventive Rethink Of Annie Is Fresh and Engaging
Young, visionary director Giancarlo Rodaz’s winning approach in Area Stage Company’s current unorthodox, yet triumphant production of the classic musical Annie features eight adult actors playing all roles in a stripped down environment in the round.
Posted in Performances, Reviews
Tagged Anette Rodriguez, Annie, Area Stage Company, Frank Montoto, Giancarlo Rodaz, Imran Hylton, John Mazuelos, Katie Duerr, Staci Stout
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