Tag Archives: John Tiffany
Report From New York: Stagecraft is, Indeed, Magical In Revamped Harry Potter Play
In the theatrical world when the tired complaint persists about reliance on chandeliers and helicopters, the revamped Harry Potter and the Cursed Child isn’t going to please those folks much. But you simply have to admit that while the script is just adequate and the acting is workmanlike, good grief, the stagecraft and the choreographed staging are breath-taking.
Once Is Touching Bittersweet Love Song Of Joy And Sorrow
A yearning so palpable it almost becomes corporeal and a heartache without a shred of self-pity pour unapologetically from the stage in the legitimately affecting musical Once touring through Miami this week only. The tears and smiles are honestly earned in this bittersweet romance leavened with the humor that only chastened challenged souls can muster.
Florida Report From NYC: “Once” Is Charming, Affecting Tale
Or Coming To A Theater Near You (Or Not) By Bill Hirschman Welcome to our semi-annual scouting trip for shows likely to appear in South Florida in a local production or a national tour — or shows you should make …