Tag Archives: Joseph Adler
Breaking News: County Plan For Coconut Grove Playhouse Passes Crucial Test Wednesday
The 13-year journey to resurrect the fabled Coconut Grove Playhouse squeaked by what may have been the last serious roadblock Wednesday when the Miami City Commission voted 3-2 to overturn objections from its Historic Preservation advisory board.. But there is one last hurdle: Mayor Francis Suarez procedurally has the power to veto the decision until 4:30 p.m. Monday, May 20th.
GableStage Mounts Its Unique Passionate Take On Indecent
GableStage’s rendering of Paula Vogel’s Indecent is freshly distinctive from Rebecca Taichman’s New York staging and from the rapturously received version that Palm Beach Dramaworks delivered last season. It’s not better or worse; it is its own. And its quality takes a back seat to no one.
Knight Honors Adler, Fliss, Pelaez, Funds CoCo Grove $2 Mil & Miami New Drama $900,000
The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation has awarded $2 million to Miami-Dade County to complete the project for GableStage-FAU’s theatre department to rebuild and reopen the Coconut Grove Playhouse.
GableStage’s “I’m Gonna Pray For You” Scorches The Stage
Human beings’ desperate need for affirmation of their self-worth from some source outside themselves – whether it’s from a parent or strangers’ judgments – drives GableStage’s scorching production of Halley Feiffer’s I’m Going To Pray For You So Hard.
GableStage’s Visit With Dr. Ruth Westheimer Is Good Company
A genial older woman with a warm smile, a self-deprecating charm and a cute mittel-European accent via Brooklyn greets the audience to her apartment like new neighbors. While packing for a move, she tells the story of her life in vignettes marked by humor and pathos. The narrator providing such good company is the titular heroine of Becoming Dr. Ruth, a one-woman bio-play.
GableStage & Dramaworks Team Up To Co-Produce Indecent
In what is believed to be a groundbreaking move, Palm Beach Dramaworks and GableStage plan a co-production of the acclaimed Broadway play Indecent to be next fall.