Tag Archives: Proof
Mystery In Actors’ Playhouse’s Proof Goes Beyond Mathematics
Genius and madness. Concrete calculations and unbridled theorizing. Humor and sorrow. But the greatest mysteries depicted in Proof reside in the human heart, conflicts on display that are hard to encapsulate in Actors’ Playhouse’s intriguing and satisfying production.
In New City Players’ Proof, The Numbers Don’t Quite Add Up
The wobbly foundations of fledgling New City Players’ production of David Auburn’s reliable Proof are unlikely to impress seasoned theatergoers, especially those who have seen the play before. From questionable acting choices to frantically paced direction, this Proof only conveys the broad strokes in Auburn’s filial drama.
Dramaworks’ Proof Is Intelligent Examination Of Intelligent People Who Can’t Cope With People Intelligently
The messiness of human relations as opposed to the precision of science is one of the underlying themes of David Auburn’s Pulitzer Prize-winning drama Proof, enjoying a solid production at Palm Beach Dramaworks. Although set in the milieu of mathematical theorists exploring the abstract mysteries of science, the real truth-seeking is the audience-accessible but far murkier mysteries of the heart.