Tag Archives: Brothers Beckett
Alliance’s Brothers Beckett Is Even Better Second Time
The initial production two years ago of Brothers Beckett, an insider’s reportage on Millennial angst, was not an artist’s sketch at the Alliance Theatre Lab. But its current revival feels far more like a fully-realized, finely-detailed work as if the painter went back in to enhance its virtues.
Alliance Faces Deadline Raising Money For Brothers Beckett
You have until just before midnight today (Thursday) to contribute to the Alliance Theatre Project’s online funding campaign to raise money to help pay for its revival of the acclaimed Brothers Beckett at the Arsht Center in March this spring. …
Alliance Raises Money For Brothers Beckett With Bowling,Pasta and Indiegogo
The Alliance Theatre Lab is about to graduate to another level when its successful Gen-X comedy Brothers Beckett is revived in a co-production with the Arsht Center’s Theater Up Close series March 7-24. But the cost of such a production …
Arsht Bonds with Zoetic, House, U of Miami & Alliance For Theater Up Close Next Season
Theater Up Close, the series co-produced by the Arsht Center, has announced a 2012-2013 season partnering with the home-grown Zoetic Stage, the University of Miami’s theater department, the House Theatre of Chicago and, for the first time, the Alliance Theatre Lab of Miami Lakes.