Tag Archives: Johnny Contini
New City Players’ Uneven, Occasionally Brilliant Clybourne Park is Not Black & White
Produced competently, with flashes of brilliance, by New City Players at the Vanguard, Clybourne Park’s expose of the evolving presentation of white privilege over generations has lost some of its structural novelty, observational luster and ability to shock in the seven years since its regional premiere at the Caldwell
In New City Players’ Proof, The Numbers Don’t Quite Add Up
The wobbly foundations of fledgling New City Players’ production of David Auburn’s reliable Proof are unlikely to impress seasoned theatergoers, especially those who have seen the play before. From questionable acting choices to frantically paced direction, this Proof only conveys the broad strokes in Auburn’s filial drama.
Flawed Glass Menagerie Shows Promise For New City Players
New City Players’ The Glass Menagerie starts a bit sluggishly, suffers throughout from some debatable technical decisions, and some performances are more compelling than others. But it builds in polish and power until it produces a second act that consistently makes you glad you invested an evening.