Tag Archives: Daniel Gil
New City Players’ Uneven, Occasionally Brilliant Clybourne Park is Not Black & White
Produced competently, with flashes of brilliance, by New City Players at the Vanguard, Clybourne Park’s expose of the evolving presentation of white privilege over generations has lost some of its structural novelty, observational luster and ability to shock in the seven years since its regional premiere at the Caldwell
Island City’s Latest Beats Prejudice Into ‘Submission’
Jeff Talbott’s The Submission, enjoying its regional premiere from Island City Stage, is predicated on the realization that “Everyone’s a little bit racist.” It charts the ignition of a racial flashpoint in the theater world over the span of a year, as liberal creative types are forced to confront long-dormant prejudices.
Alliance’s Aliens Is Alienating, But For Those Who Embrace It, It’s New Theater at Its Best
For those among us who enjoy going deeper than what’s presented on the surface, Annie Baker’s The Aliens from Alliance Theatre will be a treat. For others, the silences and pacing will be an exercise in head scratching and perplexed moments in the space of two hours of WTF?
Gen Y’ers Struggle With Dehumanizing Technology In New Theatre’s Leveling Up
Leveling Up getting an intriguing production by New Theatre is about far more than a 20-something gaming magus in Las Vegas hired to remotely operate drones that eliminate real targets in the Middle East.