Tag Archives: Leo Valentine Kaplan
Outre’s Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson Is, Well, Bloody Good
With bracing anger, profuse profanity and biting satire that is more slashing than surgical, Outre Theatre Company’s Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson will not to be everyone’s taste but for those whose preference run more to Rent than Mamma Mia, this is your acidic cup of tea.
Posted in Performances, Reviews
Tagged Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson, Christina Groom, Conor Walton, Elvin Negron, Erica Mendez, Geoff Short, Jennipher Murphy, Kaitlyn O'Neill, Kristen Long, Leo Valentine Kaplan, Michael Mena, Noah Levine, outre theatre company, Rick Pena, Robert Johnston, Sabrina Lynn Gore, Skye Whitcomb
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