Tag Archives: Jennipher Murphy
Lost Girls First Full Production Features Fantastical Imaginings Transported Into The Real World
Juliet Among the Changelings, the inaugural full-length production from Lost Girls Theatre, succeeds most if not all of the time in establishing and staying in that difficult groove of fantasy and reality, producing a charming, humorous and thoughtful evening unlike much else you’ll find in local adult theater.
Outre’s Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson Is, Well, Bloody Good
With bracing anger, profuse profanity and biting satire that is more slashing than surgical, Outre Theatre Company’s Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson will not to be everyone’s taste but for those whose preference run more to Rent than Mamma Mia, this is your acidic cup of tea.
Parade Productions’ Undo Charts Divorce By Replaying Wedding In Reverse
Undo’s premise – a Jewish divorce ceremony that rewinds a couple’s wedding day — sounds so much like a sitcom episode that you keep expecting it to slide into shallow farce. But it doesn’t. The script is shot through with mordant gallows humor, but Parade Productions’ edition keeps excavating the marrow of marital and familial relationships.