Tag Archives: Lourelene Snedeker
Photos From The Wick Theatre’s The Sound Of Music
Photos by Amy Pasquantonio from The Wick Theatre’s inaugural production of The Sound Of Music.
StageBill: If The Carbonells Only Had A Couple More Slots
The Carbonell Awards ceremony falls on April Fools’ Day (restrain your quips), But that also means it’s time for the annual grousing column about nominations.That said, I wish the judges had the ability to expand the list of nominees by one or two slots at will. So here is my personal “Youze wuz robbed” list.
Posted in StageBill
Tagged Andy Quiroga, Antonio Amadeo, Broward Stage Door Theatre, Caldwell Theatre Company, Carbonell Awards, Death and Harry Houdini, Erin Amico, Gregg Weiner, Harriet Oser, Irene Adjan, Ken Clement, Lourelene Snedeker, Makeba Pace, Margery Lowe, Mary Sansone, Todd Allen Durkin, Trenell Mooring