Tag Archives: Derek Ganong
Slow Burn Lands Really Big Fish In Bow At The Broward Center
With this production of Big Fish, Slow Burn Theatre Company has proven itself with no asterisks to be the equal of any company producing musicals in the region, some with far more resources, government grants and well-heeled donors — not to mention among the most adventurous in tackling what few others attempt.
Posted in Performances, Reviews
Tagged Amaturo Theater, Andrew Lippa, Ann Marie Olson, Ben Sandomir, Big Fish, Brian Varela, Britni Serrano, Broward Center for the Performing Arts, Christopher Mitchell, Corey Vega, Derek Ganong, Emily Tarallo, Emmanuel Schvartzman, Gabe Sklar, Geoffrey Short, Guillermo Gonzalez, James Patrick Giordano, Justen Fox-Hall, Kendra Williams, Leah Marie Sessa, Matthew Korinko, Meaghan Nagy and Joshua Conner, Nicole Kinzel, Patrick Fitzwater, Preston Bircher, Richard Szczublewski, Rick Pena, Roy Fantel, Rupert Ziawinski, Sean McClelland, Shane Tanner, Slow Burn Theatre Company
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