Tag Archives: Brian Varela
Island City’s Satirical Musical Altar Boyz Is A Grin-Fest Hoot
Franklin Graham, the homophobic alt-right son of Billy Graham, just finished a revival tour of Florida this weekend. Too bad he didn’t attend the revival of the musical Altar Boyz at Island City Stage that energetically, if gently, teases boy bands and evangelistic Christian pop rock by infusing a decidedly gay undercurrent. It would have driven him crazy.
“Disaster!” Is Anything But
If you are a Boomer (and be warned, maybe only if you’re a Boomer or their progeny), Slow Burn Theatre Company’s hilarious spoof Disaster! will be in contention for one of the silliest, stupidest and downright funniest nights you have had in theater in recent years.
Slow Burn’s Spring Awakening Blossoms At Broward Center
Since you can understand the lyrics here better than in any previous production, Slow Burn Theatre Co.’s Spring Awakening, the powerful punch and pungent poetry come through with a clarity that elevates this edition over the others. It ranks among the troupe’s most polished, accomplished and effective work.
Dancers and Singers Propel Thrilling West Side Story
Actors’ Playhouse pulls out all the stops to mount its annual winter centerpiece production. Director David Arisco molded a troupe of actor-singer-dancers who deliver a vibrant evening remarkable for its prolonged sections of power and verve.
Slow Burn Lands Really Big Fish In Bow At The Broward Center
With this production of Big Fish, Slow Burn Theatre Company has proven itself with no asterisks to be the equal of any company producing musicals in the region, some with far more resources, government grants and well-heeled donors — not to mention among the most adventurous in tackling what few others attempt.