Tag Archives: Elton John
Slow Burn’s Aida May Not Top Your Wish List, But The Pop Opera Burns Down The House
If American Idol produced a Broadway musical with choreography often found behind a diva in a stadium tour, the result would resemble Slow Burn Theatre Company’s production of Aida. The result is often entertaining and occasionally moving. But the entire effort is unapologetically drenched in a late ‘90s pop sensibility that is by turns earnest and kitschy, insightful and shallow, deft and manipulative.
Maltz’s Reimagined Billy Elliot Flies Like The Spirit Of Its Hero
The Maltz Jupiter Theatre has successfully re-imagined Billy Eliot the Musical into winning edition that is more effective than the national company that toured South Florida a few seasons back.
Surprisingly Strong Aida Showcases Memorable Debut For Star Alexandria Lugo
The surprisingly impressive bow of the new Marquee Theater Company with its production of the pop musical Aida is notable for, among other things, the professional debut of its star, Alexandria Lugo