Tag Archives: Sandi M. Stock
Slow Burn’s High Fidelity Is Scruffy Appealing Musical
Like a scruffy stray found on the streets with little promise of being housebroken, Slow Burn Theatre Company’s musical High Fidelity shouldn’t be so appealing and downright winning. But it is. The sense that the energetic cast and creative team seem to be having this much fun should enchant most anyone open to a summer lark.
Kutumba’s The Beebo Brinker Chronicles About Lesbians In The 1950s Doesn’t Quite Gel
The question nagging Kutumba Theatre Project’s The Beebo Brinker Chronicles was what did it want to be? Farce? Drama? Satire? Soap opera? A lampoon of 1950’s pulp novels? An homage to 1950’s pulp novels? If it was all of the above, it didn’t meld into a cohesive whole, even when isolated moments worked as farce, soap opera, homage or lampoon.