Tag Archives: Paul O’Donnell
Fine Voices Battle Miserable Script, Lyrics In Flashdance
Broward Stage Door’s production of Flashdance the Musical has aspects worth recommending such as two charismatic leads with powerful voices worthy of a brass band. That’s fortunate because the Stage Door crew is fighting a losing battle with miserable lyrics and a mediocre script awash in crocheted sampler homilies about taking chances, never giving up, believing in yourself, risking it all, finding your true worth, Remember the Alamo, etc. etc. etc.
Posted in Performances, Reviews
Tagged Abby Perkins, Devon A.A. Norris, Flashdance the Musical, Paul O'Donnell
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Stage Door’s Nine Nearly A Ten
Broward Stage Door’s production of the musical Nine, based on Fellini’s 8 1/2, is a fine evening of exuberant music and even more soaring voices.
Posted in Performances, Reviews
Tagged Dalia Aleman, David Nagy, Elizabeth Sackett, Ellie Patterson, Emily Freeman, Kat Gold, Nine, Paul O'Donnell, Peter J. Loewy
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