Tag Archives: Karen Zacarias
Issues Woven Into Warm Comedy in GableStage’s Native Gardens
Native Gardens is, indeed, a comedy infused with character-based humor that satisfies as a warm summer evening of laughs. But Karen Zacarías’ social satire at GableStage gently weaves in themes about a new generation gap, unintentional racism, pride, ambition, immigration, borders, ageism, classism, competition, obsession and a half-dozen other topics.
Posted in Performances, Reviews
Tagged Barbara Sloan, David Kwiat, Diana Garle, GableStage, Karen Zacarias, Kevin Cruz, Native Gardens, Victoria Collado
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Fine Cast Still Can’t Make Book Club Much Of A Page Turner
Professionalism is the only explanation why this much talent—the cream of South Florida theater from the director to the cast to the creative team — invested itself so deeply into the flawed frippery of The Book Club Play at Actors’ Playhouse.