Tag Archives: Breeza Zeller
Alliance’s Linked One-Acts Are Comedies Are Tinged With Mourning For Lost Pasts
Copious laughter embraces Alliance Theatre Lab’s production of James McLure’s related one-act plays, Laundry & Bourbon and Lone Star. But snaking through the jovial landscape is a quiet mourning that the good times are irretrievably behind us in a changing world.
Alliance’s Savage In Limbo Examines Everyday Lives Of Not-So-Quiet Desperation
Inarticulate people hold forth in a bar in a torrent of existential philosophy and metaphorical verbiage in John Patrick Shanley’s Savage In Limbo at the Alliance Theatre Lab. But if Shanley lets them go on way too long, it’s undeniable that this cast wrenches at the audience’s heart as they depict humanity’s fundamental yearning to change their lives and find “something better.”
Alliance’s Home Sweet Funeral Home Is Imaginative If Uneven
A group of loopy scenarios fuel eight daffy short plays by local playwrights thumbing their nose at Death in an often funny if markedly uneven collection commissioned by the Alliance Theatre Lab entitled Home Sweet Funeral Home.