Tag Archives: Jack Thorne
Report From New York: Stagecraft is, Indeed, Magical In Revamped Harry Potter Play
In the theatrical world when the tired complaint persists about reliance on chandeliers and helicopters, the revamped Harry Potter and the Cursed Child isn’t going to please those folks much. But you simply have to admit that while the script is just adequate and the acting is workmanlike, good grief, the stagecraft and the choreographed staging are breath-taking.
The Report From New York : King Kong’s Beast Is Amazing; The Musical Not So Amazing
“Amazing” is a word you don’t read in too many theater reviews. So keeping in mind that it’s well-considered use here requires a lot of contextual “yets” and “buts,” King Kong is amazing, both the creature and the show. Its flaws and shortcomings as a musical are impossible to ignore, but as spectacle and entertainment, it’s hard to deny that King Kong is a jaw-dropping experience.