Tag Archives: Kalli Courakos
Entr’actre’s Into The Woods Is Appropriate Segue To Performers’ Second Act
At Entr’acte Theatrix’s production of Into The Woods, the special pleasure was watching nascent talent taking unsteady but ever more sure steps in their evolution en route to fully-blossomed professionalism.
Posted in General
Tagged Calvin Bankert, Carlo Sabusap, Christian Ortega, Christie Oliver, Dan Roddenberry, Delray Beach Center for the Arts, Devin Tupler, Glen Rovinelli, Gregory Halmos, Into The Woods, James Lapine, Jen Chia, Jenna Paige Gagliardo, John Constanzo, Justin Schneyer, Kalli Courakos, Karen Nagy, Kevin Black, Lindsey Johr, Melissa Bibliowicz, Noel Barry, Rio Peterson, Roger Blankenship, Sahid Pabon, Sandi Hargood, Sharyn Peoples, Stephen Sondheim, Vicki Halmos
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