Tag Archives: Jordan Harrison
MSP’s Marjorie Prime: A Second Chance To Say What Was Left Unsaid To Your Parents
Jordan Harrison’s Marjorie Prime at Main Street Players posits 21st Century technology giving people a chance to say what was left unsaid, to finish unfinished business. The insightful script for the Pulitzer finalist will resonate deafeningly with Baby Boomers caring for parents edging into senility or who have already lost their parents.
Humana Festival’s New Plays Glimpse What May/Should Come To South Florida Theaters Soon
If you’re seeking safe, predictable mainstream theater, avoid the annual Humana Festival of New Plays at the Actors Theatre of Louisville. If you seeking “thought-provoking, edgy new work,” this is the mecca for South Floridians who want to glimpse what theater is evolving into during the coming decades.