Tag Archives: Sheena O. Murray
Pulp is Sexy, Steamy Play With Music About Lesbians In The 50s
Pulp at Island City Stage is a a fulfilling production takes place in 1956. Certainly, it was a time when “people of a certain ilk” mostly kept themselves in the closet for fear of serious consequences and perhaps embarrassment. So, you have to admire the heroinefor being so upfront about her identity.
One More Yesterday Deserves Many More Tomorrows
The musical One More Yesterday may see it itself as a work in progress, but enfold yourself in this humorous, tuneful and heartfelt work, especially to savor Angie Radosh giving yet another superb performance.
Dreamgirls Cast Scorches The Paint Off Broward Stage Door
If producers mount the musical Dreamgirls, it’s a given that they have hired as Effie some astounding young diva capable of punching a hole in the back of the auditorium with her melisma. Indeed, Broward Stage Door has the Cat 5 voice of Sarah Gracel to headline this 35-year-old rousing examination about the interplay of fame, pop music, racism and the dangers of pursuing the American Dream.