Tag Archives: Wiesenthal
Wiesenthal Challenges Us To Prevent Tragedy Once Again
Over and over, Simon Wiesenthal’s words spoken in a biographical play written a decade ago based on a man who died 14 year ago, words about events that occurred more than 75 years ago, those words are as vibrant and relevant a direct undiluted challenge to the audience at GableStage in 2019 as anything heard this season in a political rally or debate
Posted in Performances, Reviews
Tagged David Kwiat, GableStage, Gail Garrisan, Wiesenthal
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Dugan Creates Lively History Lesson, Delightful Portrayal In Wiesenthal At Stage Door
The beauty of the one man play Wiesenthal at Broward Stage Door Theatre is it’s more of an immersive theater experience than history lesson, actor/playwright Tom Dugan has the audience. eating out of his hand