Tag Archives: Gail Garrisan
Wiesenthal Challenges Us To Prevent Tragedy Once Again
Over and over, Simon Wiesenthal’s words spoken in a biographical play written a decade ago based on a man who died 14 year ago, words about events that occurred more than 75 years ago, those words are as vibrant and relevant a direct undiluted challenge to the audience at GableStage in 2019 as anything heard this season in a political rally or debate
She Shorts Is Female-Centric, But Message Is For Everyone
Alright ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, she’s and he’s, and those who would prefer not to self-identify, Thinking Cap Theatre and City Theatre’s summer short play fest, She Shorts is for you, so that means everybody.
It Ain’t Easy Being 18: GableStage’s Lacerating Actually
It can be argued whether Anna Ziegler’s Actually is a perfect piece of art, but it’s hard to argue that the dizzyingly thought-filled drama at GableStage has captured the angst and conflict about sex and relationships — familiar territory for us all about coming out of adolescence, but aggravated and mutated in a unique 21st Century way.
LGBTQIA Shorts Gone Wild 6 Comes Up A Little Short
No one could accuse the cast of Shorts Gone Wild 6 of being low energy. They spend the production’s interstitial moments cartwheeling, performing splits, engaging in slapdash chicken dances, telling jokes, winking through bawdy double entendres. But most of the plays are less memorable than their spirited introductions.