Tag Archives: Daniel Llaca
A Rock Sails By lands at Actors’ Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre
By Raquel V. Reyes A Rock Sails By is a star vehicle for Laura Turnbull, the actor playing the lead role of astrophysicist Dr. Lynn Cummings in the drama running through June 9 at the Actors’ Playhouse at the Miracle …
New City Players’ 1000 Miles a journey of the immigrant experience
By Oline H. Cogdill The immigrant experience with its promises for a new start wrapped in the frightening reality of the suspicion of strangers, the fear of the unknown and the loss of what has been left behind are …
Mystery In Actors’ Playhouse’s Proof Goes Beyond Mathematics
Genius and madness. Concrete calculations and unbridled theorizing. Humor and sorrow. But the greatest mysteries depicted in Proof reside in the human heart, conflicts on display that are hard to encapsulate in Actors’ Playhouse’s intriguing and satisfying production.
Summer Shorts Finally Gets to Celebrate 25th Anniversary
Like death and taxes, one of the few truly dependable things in life is that the venerable Summer Shorts from City Theatre is going to be a satisfying mix of light comedy with a few mildly serious moments. And its silver anniversary production remains a thoroughly entertaining source of 10-minute plays executed by a seasoned cadre of pros.
Despite The 10-Foot Star, ‘Mastodon’ Not Just Child’s Play
Yes, there is broad humor, over-the-top characters, cartoonish sets, a fairy tale vibe and a 10-foot tall puppet, but Theatre Lab makes it clear that Rachel Teagle’s world premiere script of The Impracticality of Modern-Day Mastodons is not children’s theater, but an adult evaluation of dreams.
McKeever’s Script Is The Star In Main Street’s 37 Postcards
Sometimes the star of the show is the words.. Main Street Players does a credible job bringing life to the comedy 37 Postcards, but its prime virtue is Michael McKeever’s hilarious script, replete with witty lines, classic vaudevillian timing and copious opportunities for actors to do more slow burns than Jack Benny.
LGBTQIA Shorts Gone Wild 6 Comes Up A Little Short
No one could accuse the cast of Shorts Gone Wild 6 of being low energy. They spend the production’s interstitial moments cartwheeling, performing splits, engaging in slapdash chicken dances, telling jokes, winking through bawdy double entendres. But most of the plays are less memorable than their spirited introductions.
Responsibility Examined In McKeever’s New ‘The Camp’
The Camp, a world premiere drama from the West Boca Theatre Company does not advance the age-old discussion how “good” people can be passively complicit in horrors, but Michael McKeever’s insightful script and a solid cast under Michael Leeds’ direction expertly provide a three-dimensional illustration that forces the audience to query their own souls about their responsibility to oppose evil.
Spoiler Alert: Mystery Abounds In Premiere Of Broken Snow
Revelation after revelation – none of which the playwright wants us to spoil – are exposed like the proverbial peeling of an onion until the underlying secret lays naked in the world premiere of Ben Andron’s Broken Snow at the J’s Cultural Arts Theatre in North Miami Beach.