Tag Archives: Man of La Mancha
Riverside Gifts Exquisite Voices, Bold Visuals To La Mancha
With its soul-stirring theme ,” the musical Man of La Mancha is the ideal choice for Riverside Theatre to reflect on how it has triumphed over adversity.This abundantly satisfying production boasts exquisite voices and bold visuals to tell the basic story of summoning the courage to follow one’s star.
MNM Prepares A Man Of La Mancha Relevant For Our Times
In this tarnished time of disaffection, divisiveness and abandoned ideals, the synergistic resonance of the musical Man of La Mancha is more than a welcome opportunity for director Bruce Linser. The hope-laden messages of aspiration for a better world could not be more timely than this month when MNM Theatre Company mounts the classic musical at the Kravis Center.
Uplifting Man Of La Mancha Sallies Forth At The Wick
We’re still in the height of the theatrical season with many productions opening during the next two weeks. To find reviews of all the current productions, click on the “Reviews” tab in white letters in the teal bar in the …