Tag Archives: Caryl Ginsburg Fantel
Grease May Be The One You Might Want From MNM
Grease certainly is the word as the classic rock ‘n’ roll musical glides its way into a solid staging as the first joint production of MNM Theatre Company, North End Theater Company, and the City of Lauderhill. Add also the words energetic, entertaining and engaging as Grease’s enthusiastic cast takes its audiences back to the tunes and attitudes of 1959.
Emotions & Sound Swell On Epic Scale In Slow Burn’s Hunchback
A near epic vision unfolds in Slow Burn Theatre Company’s brave, ambitious and dark The Hunchback of Notre Dame resulting in the one of the most powerful musicals seen in South Florida in recent years featuring two memorable performances, a hardworking ensemble and orchestra, evocative production values and an invaluable choir flanking the stage.
Don’t Cry For This Vibrant Evita Revival At Broward Stage Door
A supremely confident and corrupt demagogue whips up the sheep in a populist uprising targeting a change in the government status quo. While that sounds like the latest CNN report, it’s actually Evita at Broward Stage Door which lands more effectively than any recent offering at the Margate theater.
Slow Burn Theatre’s Ambitious Rent Pays Off In Spectacle
Slow Burn Theatre Company’s Rent is ambitious, daring, electric and 2 1/2 hours of non-stop rock ‘n’ roll — a no-holds barred, take chances, go-out-on-a-limb spectacle. But when stripped of the spectacle, the characters, some facing death, with others living in the shadows of HIV/AIDs, lack life.
Boca Theatre Guild’s Everyday Rapture Captivates Musically, Speck of a Story Less Appealing
Boca Raton Theatre Guild’s Everyday Rapture is bliss and it’s the reason to get yourself to the Willow Theatre. Jodie Langel, Ann Marie Olson and Leah Sessa possess some of the best voices you’ll hear in Florida musical theater. Yet no matter how hard they try to sell it, the work itself never really hits a peak.
Vibrant, Zesty Zorba! Gets Staged Concert At Dramaworks
From the first tinkling of the bouzouki, Palm Beach Dramaworks’ mounting of the rarely-seen Kander and ebb musical Zorba! fairly throbs with life-affirming spirit in direct spite of the vagaries of Fate.