Tag Archives: Nayomi Braaf
Slow Burn and Seymour Feed Audrey II One More Time
Don’t feed the plants! Once again, nebbishy Seymour just won’t listen, so we get another evening of wackiness in Slow Burn Theatre’s edition of Little Shop of Horrors.
Once On This Island Is Glorious Tale of Storytelling And Song
Get yourself down to where Slow Burn is delivering a gift you’ll prize for a long time to come: Once On This Island is a glorious evening of storytelling and song, myth and magic infused with joy, passion and a deep belief that love is that saving grace of complex human existence.
MNM Theatre Co. Hosts A Welcome Return to Avenue Q
MNM Theatre ’s Avenue Q, the musical comedy with foul-mouthed and copulating puppets, has never been as clearly about education as now. It’s the curriculum about coping with disappointment waiting in the real world.
The drolly hilarious Avenue Q, being given a “fine, fine” outing by MNM, is also imbued with a quiet sadness and accompanying sympathy for the loss of hopeful naiveté.
“Disaster!” Is Anything But
If you are a Boomer (and be warned, maybe only if you’re a Boomer or their progeny), Slow Burn Theatre Company’s hilarious spoof Disaster! will be in contention for one of the silliest, stupidest and downright funniest nights you have had in theater in recent years.
MNM’s Witty Little Shop of Horrors Is Open For Business
When entering a theater playing a musical you’ve enjoyed numerous times, it’s comforting to open the playbill to find the names of proven talents that reassure that you and the material are in good hands. Names, for instance, like Mike Westrich, Bruce Linser, Mallory Newbrough, Paul Reekie and Jim Ballard – some of the dependable hands delivering a solid entertaining edition of the delightful Little Shop of Horrors from MNM Productions.