Tag Archives: Pat Bowie
On Golden Pond Is Pleasant Charmer At Dramaworks
Palm Beach Dramaworks’ production of On Golden Pond is a pleasing charmer suffused with warmth and aided immeasurably by a skilled cast and director. It’s well worth an evening’s divertissement. But do not go expecting to the kind of vibrance you remember from the 1981 film because few actors are Katharine Hepburn and Henry Fonda.
Difference In Dramaworks’ ‘On Golden Pond’ Will Be Obvious
Audiences sitting down this weekend to see Palm Beach Dramaworks’ production of the venerable play On Golden Pond will get a visual shock. It’s intentional, but not quite as originally planned.
Report From New York: Tyson Rewarding In Trip To Bountiful
It’s rare that color blind casting is truly color blind. What happens so smoothly and appropriately in the Broadway revival of Horton Foote’s The Trip To Bountiful, is that a play about a white Texas farmer who seeks to reclaim the soul she lost moving to Houston in the early 1950s is, in fact, a perfect and effortless fit with a primarily African American cast. This edition is helped immeasurably that the part of Carrie Watts, the 88-year-old heroine who runs away from a stifling life relying on her son and daughter-law – is played by the dead solid 79-year-old Cicely Tyson.
Dramaworks’ Raisin Starts Slow But Builds To Emotional Crescendo Of Yearning
It starts slow, so slow that you fear it may never get going. But when Palm Beach Dramaworks’ A Raisin in the Sun finally gets rolling, the emotional wallops arrive in every deepening wave of gut-wrenching, heart-rending passion, arguably all the more potent for having emerged from such a quiet, prosaic run up.