Tag Archives: John Felix
On Golden Pond Is Pleasant Charmer At Dramaworks
Palm Beach Dramaworks’ production of On Golden Pond is a pleasing charmer suffused with warmth and aided immeasurably by a skilled cast and director. It’s well worth an evening’s divertissement. But do not go expecting to the kind of vibrance you remember from the 1981 film because few actors are Katharine Hepburn and Henry Fonda.
Difference In Dramaworks’ ‘On Golden Pond’ Will Be Obvious
Audiences sitting down this weekend to see Palm Beach Dramaworks’ production of the venerable play On Golden Pond will get a visual shock. It’s intentional, but not quite as originally planned.
Hard-Working Cast Can’t Save The Trial Of Ebenezer Scrooge
Actors Playhouse’s production of The Trial of Ebenezer Scrooge has a talented cast working hard under the direction of David Arisco, but good grief, what a waste of the resources of Mark Brown’s lame script. For one hours and forty minutes (including intermission), the audiences waits and waits for a single new riff in the Scrooge story, even a shred of logic explaining Brown’s basic premise.
A Few Off-Beat Offerings For The Holidays
A couple of off-beat repostings for the holidays: Playbill.com posted 50 Iphone photographs taken of or by Janet Dacal of her homecoming to Miami as she rehearsed for Actors Playhouse’s The Last Five Years which runs through next weekend. Click …
Maltz’s Music Man Is Slam Bang Brassy Dancing Celebration
We’re entering another period of as many as six productions opening in one week. As a result, reviews may not remain in the center featured position more than one day. Please check out recent reviews by clicking on entries listed …