Tag Archives: Karen Stephens
The Gloves Come Off in The Long Weekend At Pigs Do Fly
What happens when one unhappily married couple invites another unhappily married couple to spend a holiday weekend with them in their country home? As the claws come out, long-buried resentments resurface, and dirty little secrets are exposed in Pigs Do Fly Productions’ The Long Weekend,
The Taming of the Shrew at Thinking Cap Theatre
By Jan Sjostrom Is William Shakespeare’s bawdy comedy The Taming of the Shrew misogynistic or is it a forward-looking romp powered by strong women? That’s a question Thinking Cap Theatre takes up in its re-imagining of the play in its production …
Clyde’s launches Zoetic Stage’s 14th season
By Oline H. Cogdill A sandwich is more than ingredients between two slices of bread at Clyde’s, the truck stop diner that is the setting and title of Lynn Nottage’s deliciously insightful play now receiving a superb production at Zoetic …
Boca Stage’s Time Alone Examines Grief, Doubt Within Two Isolated People
Time Alone brings out moments of self-doubt; of deep, endless grief; questions of what ifs and should haves —so skillfully explored in Boca Stage’s scintillating Time Alone. Credit director Genie Croft and first-class actors Karen Stephens & Rio Chavarro — who elevate it into a bold, emotional production.
Dorothy’s Dictionary at Theatre Lab Is Entry Worth Looking Up
In a time when so much theater and film seem dependent on sling-shots of unexpected left turns there’s a quiet life-affirming pleasure in a work that follows precisely the arc you expect from its familiar telegraphy. Such is the world premiere of E.M. Lewis’ Dorothy’s Dictionary at Theatre Lab – a warm and poignant celebration of words, books and bonds between people who love them
Slow Burn Gives New Life To Matilda Musical
Slow Burn Theatre Company’s Matilda is a lesson in theater education, showing how a regional director takes a successful Broadway show and road tour and makes it his own highly entertaining production that showcases many homegrown talents from South and Central Florida.
Armature Combines Race, Politics & Sex In Call For Change
Armature premiering at Island City Stage explores racism, politics, homosexuality, marital relations in tale suffused with humor and tragedy. The deeply committed work of the cast, co-directors and design team delivers the guts of Andrew Kramer’s overarching earnest call to aggressively address the social challenges of the day. But this admirable production illustrates the script still need a bit more work.