Tag Archives: Kristina Wong
Mad Cat’s Well-Named Mixtape Is Quirky, Passionate, Puzzling And Did We Forget Funny?
Mixtapes are by definition quirky, passionate, uninhibitedly self-expressive to the edge of self-indulgence, sometimes puzzling, sometimes touching, sometimes hilarious. Mad Cat Theatre Company’s theatrical/cinematic Mixtape 2 is all that — a compilation of playlets, snatches of poetry, music videos and short films by the region’s leading progressive, avant-garde theater.
This Cat Lady Purrs At Mad Cat
Kristina Wong’s Cat Lady at Mad Cat Theatre Company is downright hilarious while shot through with pathos and insights into the search for human connection. It seems to be exactly the offbeat but accessible exploration of loneliness that Wong and director Paul Tei hoped to create.
Spraying Felines And Pickup Artists Populate Kristina Wong’s Cat Lady At Mad Cat
Who besides Mad Cat Theatre Company would take a talking cat, who persistently pees on the rug, and a professional pickup artist instructing wannabees how to pretend to be genuine – and meld them into a unified statement about fighting loneliness? But synthesizing disparate elements in Kristina Wong’s Cat Lady fits the aesthetic of the company opening its 13th season this week.