Tag Archives: Elena Maria Garcia

Once Again Garcia Scores With Comic Cuban Chicken Soup

Cuban Chicken Soup: When There’s No More Café is a ‘Grand Slam with yuca’ thanks to the sparkling performance of Elena Maria Garcia. The one-woman play at Zoetic Stage is a sequel to 2016’s ¡Fuacata! Or a Latina’s Guide to Surviving the Universe written by Garcia and Stuart Meltzer. The play runs a little over ninety minutes but feels more like a thirty-minute sitcom.

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Summer Shorts Finally Gets to Celebrate 25th Anniversary

Like death and taxes, one of the few truly dependable things in life is that the venerable Summer Shorts from City Theatre is going to be a satisfying mix of light comedy with a few mildly serious moments. And its silver anniversary production remains a thoroughly entertaining source of 10-minute plays executed by a seasoned cadre of pros.

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Dark, Funny Rollercoaster Ride Through Adolescence In Zoetic’s Our Dear Dead Drug Lord

Miami native Alexis Scheer’s Our Dear Dead Drug Lord, a stygian dark and terribly funny play about modern day adolescence executed by Zoetic Stage, is a stunning – a carefully chosen word – piece of pure theater. A scene can be downright hilarious then suddenly blood-chilling, and then, as the blood is still chilling, there are laugh lines.

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Hilarious, Moving ‘Fuacata’ Returns Even More Relevant

Fuácata! has been tweaked by star Elena Maria Garcia and director Stuart Meltzer with references to non-binary, Uber and “draining the swamp.” But the exuberantly hilarious and moving work from 2017 already had elements echoing the subsequent rise of #MeToo, hardening of ingrained bigotry, explosion of immigration crises, renewed uproar over Cuba and other topics. This production at Actors’ Playhouse is cause for celebration.

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Faced With Pandemic, Zoetic’s Improv Troupe Soldiers On

As live arts and entertainment return in fits and starts, and our culture continues its tortoise crawl toward normal, one thing has become apparent: Face masks may be vital in impeding the spread of COVID-19, but they equally hamper the spread of comedy. The debut of Zoetic Schmoetic showed the more physical the show becomes—the more the actors’ bodies, not their voices, drive the storytelling—the better it gets.

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Racism & South Florida Theater: Changing The Dance Steps

Asked to spotlight specific problems and potential solutions, everybody had a story of racism infecting the South Florida theater community. Some cited unintentional micro-aggressions in pressure-laden rehearsals. Others underscored systemic failings whose reform will require leaders, supporters and audiences to revaluate everything from what goes on stage to who decides what goes on stage.

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The Wolves Is Complex, Filled With Dogged Determination

The Wolves fits the bill for Zoetic Stage’s Theater Up Close series. It’s an up-close, navel gazer. Nine teenaged girls are part of a high school indoor soccer team that meets each Saturday. The characters are nameless, only identified by jersey number. For 90 minutes, the audience is privy to eavesdropping on the locker-roomesque conversations as they warm up for a series of games

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She Shorts Is Female-Centric, But Message Is For Everyone

Alright ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, she’s and he’s, and those who would prefer not to self-identify, Thinking Cap Theatre and City Theatre’s summer short play fest, She Shorts is for you, so that means everybody.

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Funny & Tragic Pursuit Of Fame In The House Of Blue Leaves

The House of Blue Leaves gets as funny and touching a production from Palm Beach Dramaworks as anyone can ask for. Its virtues include superb direction, a flawless creative team and a wall-to-wall cast of actor-clowns willing to bury themselves inside the off-kilter and flawed characters.

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Love Is A Battlefield In Casey Dressler’s The Wedding Warrior

Casey Dressler brings her one-woman comedy with a score of characters, The Wedding Warrior, back to Fort Lauderdale’s The Vanguard, redirected by Elena Maria Garcia

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