Tag Archives: Christopher Renshaw
Report From New York: A Wonderful World Begun In Miami Bows On Broadway
To begin with, yes, A Wonderful World is an exuberant trumpet call of a musical tracking the life of the legendary Louis Armstrong that will entertains tens of thousands of people as it remains a welcome option for Broadway audiences likely for years. That said, if you are looking for an in-depth incisive inquiry into the complex artist, this is not it.
Hollywood’s Homophobic Hypocrisy Examined in The Code
The soul-killing inherent in the film dream factory’s deconstruction and then sanitized reconstruction of its icons has been a popular topic, from 1932’s What Price Hollywood to four versions of A Star is Born. But Michael McKeever’s incisive world premiere The Code at The Foundry attacks it from a different fresh angle that is painfully topical.
Reinvigorated Music Reigns In Louis Armstrong Bio Premiere A Wonderful World At MiND
There are stunning actors in this premiere A Wonderful World, breath-taking choreography and visuals in this life of jazz legend Louis Armstrong as he navigates a racist world and his own fallibilities. But it’s the decades-old brass-fueled music, reinvigorated and pulsating in celebratory revels and soul-scorching ballads, that drive this achievement at Miami New Drama.
The Drama Behind The Rebirth of Miami New Drama’s Satchmo Musical “A Wonderful World”
The creation of a musical always contains more drama than what ends up on the stage. But then there is the anguish and celebration that commandeered the pre-virus birth and now this winter’s resurrection of A Wonderful World that closed the night before it was to open at Miami New Drama.
Miami New Drama’s 7 Deadly Sins Is A Singular, Year-defining Theatrical Experience
It was only a matter of time until one of South Florida’s most experimental companies would find a way to produce theater outside of a theater. Nine months into a pandemic, the sheer existence of Miami New Drama’s experiential short-play collaboration 7 Deadly Sins feels as surreal as it is miraculous.
Seven Deadly Sins Is Return To Live Theater In Miami
Nine months into the country’s battle against COVID-19, Miami New Drama and its boundlessly imaginative artistic director, Michel Hausmann, have figured out a way to turn vice into virtue, exploring the seven deadly sins in an ambitious return to live theater beginning Nov. 27.
Miami New Drama Tunes Up Debut Of Wonderful World — A Louis Armstrong Bio-Musical
Energy suffuses rehearsals for Miami New Drama’s world premiere musical about Louis Armstrong A Wonderful World – not a revue but a highly-theatrical biography in which Armstrong’s famous numbers are infused as part of the plot or as character-revealing reveries.