Tag Archives: Lowell Williams
The Opponent Is In Ourselves at African Heritage Cultural Center
One of the great truisms of human nature is that often our greatest opponent is ourselves. So while the drama The Opponent is set in a boxing ring where an young fighter and his trainer spar physically and verbally, it’s their own flaws that provide adversaries that they cannot best.
‘Race’ Is Vital, Engrossing Theater At Main Street Players
In Main Street Players’ riveting, unmissable mounting of David Mamet’s scorching play, Race, director Lowell Williams wastes no time in hammering us with a sadly telling stage picture.
M Ensemble’s Seven Guitars Is Virtually Music As Theater
In the current production of The M Ensemble Company, August Wilson’s legendary Seven Guitars almost plays like a musical or a folk opera akin to Porgy and Bess or Floyd Collins.
Volcanic Ethan Henry Erupts In M Ensemble’s The Piano Lesson
Imagine white water rapids raging past you; now imagine the liquid is molten lava – a heedless force of nature threatening to destroy everything. Such images are the by-product of watching the incomparable Ethan Henry bringing one of August Wilson’s tragic heroes to three-dimensional life in M Ensemble’s The Piano Lesson.
Carey Hart Delivers A Lovely Present To Audiences At M Ensemble’s The Gift Horse
M Ensemble’s production of The Gift Horse has praiseworthy virtues and crippling problems that make it a mixed experience. But it does give the audience a long-delayed gift in Carey Hart’s scintillating, poignant performance as a witty but troubled woman seeking true love.