Tag Archives: The Twentieth Century Way
Swirling Realities Within Realities In Gay-Themed ‘Twentieth Century Way’
The Twentieth Century Way creates intersecting, overlapping realities in Island City Stage’s celebration of its 10th season by restaging its 2012 inaugural play. This thought-provoker melds questions about people acknowledging their true identity, amalgamating actors in general hiding behind their roles, and gay men hiding their sexuality from a homophobic society and themselves.
Island City Stage ‘s 20th Century Way Is Dizzying Swirl Of Ideas
Island City Stage’s The Twentieth Century Way is an intellectual theater game worthy of Pirandello or Stoppard in which facets swirl at such a dizzying speed that individual ideas become too blurry to discern.All you can do is admire the chameleonic agility of the actors, the dexterity of the playwright and watch a particle of light careen around the mirrored facets inside a gem, unable to track what is happening more than fleeting seconds.