Tag Archives: Peter Librach
In Goldberg Variations, Traumatic Family Gathering Becomes Re-enactors’ Playhouse
The stage is a fungible place. Sets can transform, actors can fly, characters can break walls, especially the fourth. There is limitless potential in the blank canvas of floorboards and lighting, as Stuart Meltzer’s gently experimental The Goldberg Variations reminds us at Island City Stage.
Fiddler On The Roof’s Resonating Themes Echo in Marquee’s Production
When the young Boca Raton company Marquee Theater’s production nails key moments of the indestructible Fiddler on the Roof, it’s exhilirating and entertaining on its own merits; when it falters, the material is so strong that it carries the decidedly uneven show.
The Pursuit Of Dreams At Stage Door’s Broadway Bound
Broward Stage Door’s Broadway Bound may not land perfectly all the time, but these theater pros deliver a no-excuses-needed effort that works often and effectively and ultimately satisfies.
Wick’s Curtains Is Musical For The Theater Nerd In All Of Us
Curtains is a show designed for anyone who loves musical comedy, or anyone who has ever played Toto in a community theater production of The Wizard of Oz. Envisioned as a no-calories hoot of a love letter to the quirky dysfunctional denizens of the theater, it is accurately promoted with tongue firmly in cheek as “A New Backstage Murder Mystery Musical Comedy.”
Island City’s Secrets Of The Trade Examines Adulation
As the season heats up, we enter a period with many openings in the same week. That means reviews will only be in the top four positions for four or five days. To see earlier reviews, check out the red …