Tag Archives: Janet Dacal
Janet Dacal Steps In For Ailing Actress At In The Heights
The star did become ill at Actors’ Playhouse’s production of In The Heights and a substitute did go on Saturday night with only a few hours rehearsal, but the classic backstage story had several twists. When actress Sarah Amengual became sick this week playing Nina, one of the lead roles, director David Arisco sent out an emergency appeal to Broadway actress Janet Dacal to fly in and fill in the part, said theater spokeswoman Brooke Noble.
A Few Off-Beat Offerings For The Holidays
A couple of off-beat repostings for the holidays: Playbill.com posted 50 Iphone photographs taken of or by Janet Dacal of her homecoming to Miami as she rehearsed for Actors Playhouse’s The Last Five Years which runs through next weekend. Click …
Bravura Turn By Janet Dacal Is Reason To See Last Five Years
A yin and yang vibe imbues Jason Robert Brown’s intriguing and imaginative two-character musical tracking the life cycle of a romance and marriage, The Last Five Years, receiving a warm, entertaining production at Actor Playhouse. But the reason to see it is the vibrant, bravura performance by former Miamian and current Broadway actress Janet Dacal.
Miami’s Janet Dacal Comes Home From Broadway For “The Last Five Years”
Actors Playhouse director David Arisco teasingly asks the reporter doing a story on the upcoming musical The Last Five Years, “Don’t you want to take a picture of our Broadway star?’ His joke is that while former Miamian Janet Dacal qualifies for the soubriquet, Dacal seems as far from a temperamental egotistical diva as you can imagine. With a honey warm smile, flashing eyes and an unaffected demeanor, Dacal looks like the girl next door — if your neighborhood is Hialeah and the girl is the kind of fetching vision who half the boys have a crush on.