Tag Archives: Dennis Creaghan
Dramaworks’ A Delicate Balance Delivers Uncompromising Thought-Provoking Drama
A nameless terror has upended the fragile homeostasis in Agnes and Tobias’ carefully-ordered uppercrust existence, all the more frightening because its anonymity makes it uncomfortably universal for the audience at Palm Beach Dramaworks’ production of Edward Albee’s A Delicate Balance. What starts in this laudable production as a play about a troubled family of privilege, which keeps our attention simply because they are engagingly hyper-articulate, then ends as a shattering indictment of self-deception and hypocrisy in human interaction.
Who’s Playing Who This Season?
Regular South Florida theatergoers will recognize many local stalwarts headlining productions this fall as well as some folks new to these parts – and their parts. Palm Beach Dramaworks revealed much of its casting for the entire season this week, featuring the boldface name of Tony Award nominee and part-time local resident Maureen Anderman in December.
Mosaic’s A Measure of Cruelty Is a Benchmark Triumph
Neither protagonists nor antagonists, the haunted trio at the center of A Measure of Cruelty are desperately seeking compassion and redemption for their separate sins when all they can find in themselves are levels of self-disgust. Your awareness of your own transgressions and your ability to muster forgiveness for others is jammed into a crucible for self-examination by the spectacle of flawed humanity in this stunning world premiere at the Mosaic Theatre of Joe Calarco’s play.
Mosaic Play Looks At Teen Violence In Premiere Of A Measure of Cruelty
To clarify misconceptions, the drama formerly entitled The Michael Brewer Project did not end up being specifically about Michael Brewer. A Measure of Cruelty, having its world premiering at Mosaic Theatre on Thursday, only uses the burning of the Deerfield Beach teenager in 2009 as the inciting incident, said playwright Joe Calarco and director Richard Jay Simon.