Tag Archives: A Wonderful World
Report From New York: A Wonderful World Begun In Miami Bows On Broadway
To begin with, yes, A Wonderful World is an exuberant trumpet call of a musical tracking the life of the legendary Louis Armstrong that will entertains tens of thousands of people as it remains a welcome option for Broadway audiences likely for years. That said, if you are looking for an in-depth incisive inquiry into the complex artist, this is not it.
Covid Cancels, Postpones Performances In Miami
In the wake of several cast or crew members testing positive for Covid, Miami New Drama has cancelled its performances for A Wonderful World until resuming Dec. 29, the company confirmed Wednesday afternoon after shutting that night’s production.
Reinvigorated Music Reigns In Louis Armstrong Bio Premiere A Wonderful World At MiND
There are stunning actors in this premiere A Wonderful World, breath-taking choreography and visuals in this life of jazz legend Louis Armstrong as he navigates a racist world and his own fallibilities. But it’s the decades-old brass-fueled music, reinvigorated and pulsating in celebratory revels and soul-scorching ballads, that drive this achievement at Miami New Drama.
The Drama Behind The Rebirth of Miami New Drama’s Satchmo Musical “A Wonderful World”
The creation of a musical always contains more drama than what ends up on the stage. But then there is the anguish and celebration that commandeered the pre-virus birth and now this winter’s resurrection of A Wonderful World that closed the night before it was to open at Miami New Drama.
Miami New Drama Tunes Up Debut Of Wonderful World — A Louis Armstrong Bio-Musical
Energy suffuses rehearsals for Miami New Drama’s world premiere musical about Louis Armstrong A Wonderful World – not a revue but a highly-theatrical biography in which Armstrong’s famous numbers are infused as part of the plot or as character-revealing reveries.