Tag Archives: James Rado
Once More With Feeling, A Local ‘Hair’ Cavorts At The Kravis
Hair never was and isn’t now accurate reportage on the 1968 counter-culture,any more than Oklahoma was a faithful account of homesteading on the eve of statehood. But what the raw material got right and MNM Productions’ engaging edition gets right at the Kravis Center is the infectious vitality, youthful optimism and the genuine sense of communal love.
Posted in Performances, Reviews
Tagged Alexa Baray, Elijah Word, Emily Tarallo, Galt MacDermot, Gerome Ragni, Hair, Isaac Ocean, James Rado, Jerel Brown, Jerry Jensen, Jinon Deeb, Keagan Tanner Cerny, Khadijah Rolle, Kimberly Dawn Smith, Mallory Newbrough, Marcus Davis, Michael Scott Ross, Mike Westrich, Nicole Dikun, Nicole Kinzel, Paul Reekie, Pierre Tannous, Rio Peterson, Rosseroni Parris, Sandi Stock, Sean Dorazio, Shenise Nunez
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