Tag Archives: Les Miserables
The Sound Of Music Is Maltz’s Secret To Stunning Les Miz
Viewing the Maltz Jupiter Theatre’s Les Misérables is like watching an art restorer wipe away decades of obscuring grime from a canvas and savoring what you forgot was hidden underneath – even seeing colors you didn’t know were there. This edition eclipses the quality of almost every production the Maltz has mounted in a decade.
PPTOPA Aims To Win Added Respect with Massive Les Miz
Pembroke Pines Theatre of the Performing Arts is laboring to make its massive and expensive production of the epic Les Miserables a rebuke to silence those who dismiss community theater sight unseen.
Theater Shelf: Tony Nominations For Musicals Represented on CD
The 2013-14 Broadway season has produced a wide variety of scores from musicals that we are fortunate to have had recorded commercially. Indeed, the season has been marked by a notable raft of very well recorded cast albums that will be reflected at the Tony Awards, many marvelously packaged.
Powerful, Fresh Reimagining Of Les Miz Is Ready For Broadway
This Broadway Across America edition of Les Miserables is not some cynical attempt to wring just one more quart of milk from the cash cow. Instead, this is a legitimate revival in the deepest sense of the word that is as vibrant, passionate and new-born as a world premiere.
Color-blind casting: New Theatre’s Henry V a sign of evolving norms
A black woman playing Henry V at New Theatre this weekend is a sign of evolving norms in South Florida theater as color-blind and gender neutral casting become more common. It’s partly an inescapable by-product of a multi-ethnic acting pool and audience demographics in a region where interracial families and diverse workforces are too common to even be noticed.