Tag Archives: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Emotions & Sound Swell On Epic Scale In Slow Burn’s Hunchback
A near epic vision unfolds in Slow Burn Theatre Company’s brave, ambitious and dark The Hunchback of Notre Dame resulting in the one of the most powerful musicals seen in South Florida in recent years featuring two memorable performances, a hardworking ensemble and orchestra, evocative production values and an invaluable choir flanking the stage.
Posted in Performances, Reviews
Tagged Becky Montero, Broward Center for the Performing Arts, Caryl Ginsburg Fantel, Landon Summers, Matthew Korinko, Patrick Fitzwater, Rich Szczublewski, Rick Pena, Sean McClelland, Shenise Nunez, Slow Burn Theatre Company, Stephen Schwartz, The Hunchback of Notre Dame
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Slow Burn’s Hunchback Sets Another Benchmark Of Growth
Slow Burn Theatre Company’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame staged on a relatively epic scale underscores another benchmark of growth for the once modest company that has solidly arrived as a major player in South Florida theater.