Tag Archives: Rosalie Grant
Mamet’s Oleanna Remains An Unsettling, Provocative Night
A quarter-century on, the temptation is to r reinterpret Oleanna, David Mamet’s incendiary screed about toxic relations between men and women. But Evening Star Productions’ rendition in 2017’s not-so-brave new red state world underscores Mamet’s original politically incorrect indictment of political correctness spun insanely out of control.
The Meaning Of Life’s A Joke In Evening Star’s Waiting For Godot
In Waiting For Godot, that classic of the Theater of the Absurd, nothing is more absurd than Man’s insistent search for some meaning in life. In Evening Star Productions’ courageous run at this Everest of a play, their response is broad comedy suffused into the intentionally pointless and protracted slog that is Beckett’s brilliant but unsettling manifesto of existentialism.
Evening Star’s Murdered To Death Is Supremely Silly Fun
In Evening Star’s Murdered To Death, this comic murder mystery satire becomes so supremely silly with slapstick, overheated melodrama and an endless supply of verbal blunders that the actors have little recourse but to succumb to the infectious laughter from the audience.
Evening Star’s Song Cycle 35MM Propelled By Urban Angst
35MM and this production require some effort from the audience to meet it more than halfway. It is, as they say, not for everyone’s taste. But it does represent an intriguing example of the current effort by young theater artists to find new ways to create their own brand of musical theater that speaks to them. In that, Evening Star’s 35MM is worth checking out.
Uneven But Unsettling “Bug:” This Is How The World Ends — With A Bang And A Whimper
Evening Star and Infinite Abyss co-produce Tracy Letts’ surreal depiction of spiraling paranoia complete with copious amount of blood in an edition that slogs too slowly too long but ratchets up into an emotional and psychological fireball of horror.
Singing Their Hearts Out Over Last Five Years At Evening Star
Evening Star Production’s fervent mounting of Jason Robert Brown’s cult musical The Last Five Years invests infinite compassion for the eddying gain and loss in one of the most intriguing constructs in musical theater.
Evening Star’s The Addams Family Gamely Delivers The Goofy Giggles In A Flawed Script
There’s enough giggles and grins in Evening Star Productions’ The Addams Family delivered by these game, committed thespians to keep this production mildly diverting, but they still are finding their artistic chops and they still are chained to a script and score that devolves from the strychnine into the saccharine.
Minor Quibbles Aside, Success Still In The Cards For Gin Game
More so than the play’s sudden violence or its firecracker bursts of profanity, it’s The Gin Game’s references to nursing homes as God’s waiting rooms that stick with you in Evening Star’s production.
Laura Ruchala & Evening Star: Tragedy Tomorrow, Rollicking Comedy Of Errors Tonight
Despite the death of director Laura Ruchala, Evening Star Productions’ The Comedy of Errors is a rollicking ebullient edition of Shakespeare’s farce of mistaken identities. Ruchala’s playful play-filled vision embraces every stripe of daft and deft comedy from Will’s word play to slapstick.