Tag Archives: Maha McCain
Summer Shorts Return With a Miami/ BIPOC / LatinX Flavor
City Theatre’s Summer Shorts vibrates with the unique distinctive essence that exceeds traditional adjectives and can best be captured in the word “Miami.” Indeed, the production is subtitled “Homegrown Edition,” but the venerable company has committed for the first time to brand new works exclusively written by, directed by and acted by BIPOC/LatinX artists who reflect the region’s multi-culturalism.
Post-Partum Woes Turn to Madness in Theatre Lab’s Bow Overactive Letdown
Buckle up if you’re attending the world premiere run of Overactive Letdown at Theatre Lab as a new mother spirals out of control in a harrowing descent into madness. Crumbling under the post-partum pressures of caring for an infant, aggravated by today’s tsunami of parenting dictates, our heroine Christine’s considerable intelligence, humor and charm evaporate.
Steven Dietz Wants Us To Open Our Eyes In This Random World
With humor, poignancy and insight, Dietz portrays just such a patchwork invisible to its residents in his new play This Random World at Theatre Lab, the professional resident company at Florida Atlantic University.
Humanity Struggles To Cope With Disaster in Tsunami
What is endlessly worth examining and celebrating is how human beings cope with tragedy and what that says about who we are, what we are capable of and some insightful guidance on how our souls can survive as well as our bodies. These are among the themes of Tsunami, the world premiere by Nilo Cruz and Michiko Kitayama Skinner, a moving work of glorious theatricality t.