Tag Archives: New Theatre
Not Your Grandma’s Theater: The 2015-2016 Season In SoFla
South Florida theaters still mount familiar warhorses, but the 2015-2016 season is proof that companies realize the future of theater is to attract pre-retirement audiences with shows steaming fresh out of Manhattan, edgy intellectually challenging works, imaginative takes on familiar titles, regional premieres of shows you only read about in The New York Times over the past few years and some shows you have never heard of, period.
The Best Of Times Is Now: Memorable Moments Of 2014
Here’s a look back at 2014 including a very subjective subjunctive reductive list of outstanding shows, performances and developments guaranteed to make someone unhappy they were not on the list. Take comfort in that there was so much good work that this is the crème de la crème de menthe.
News Of Slow Burn, New Theatre And Infinite Abyss
News about a fundraiser for Slow Burn Theatre Company, the semi-annual 1-Acts at New Theatre and the resurrection of Infinite Abyss
Well-Acted If Flawed Look At Race In Gospel According To Jerry At New Theatre
Sometimes when the company is engaging, it doesn’t matter whether the journey itself is a little bumpy or overly-familiar. Such is the power of winning performances by Christina Alexander and John Manzelli under Stephen Neal’s direction in New Theatre’s production on The Gospel According To Jerry.
New Theatre’s Cuban Spring Plumbs How Generations Define Their Identity As Cubans
The overall picture may seem a bit disjointed and fuzzy, but the world premiere of The Cuban Spring at New Theatre incisively depicts the complexities of Cuban-American families in modern Miami as their American-born generation conflicts with parents struggling with ghosts of their birthplace.
The Coming South Florida Theater Season Is As Much About Where As What
Usually there isn’t anything sexy or newsworthy about real estate in the world of theater unless it’s Glengarry Glen Ross. But as the season approaches, South Florida hasn’t seen so much packing and unpacking, opening tubes of Ben Gay, filling out of change-of-address cards, remodeling, scanning blueprints and updating websites as in the past season and the one coming up
New Theatre Hosts A 4th With BBQ, Fireworks & Short Plays
Hot dogs, fireworks and… theater? New Theatre is hoping you’ll join them this holiday weekend for its bi-annual Miami 1-Acts Festival of 16 fully-staged short plays which doubles as a fund-raiser.
New Theatre Neatly Untangles A Gordian Knot In Gidion’s Knot
This is why we go to theater. New Theatre’s Gidion’s Knot – wrenching, thought-provoking, shocking, visceral in ways no film can be– exemplifies why we spend time in dark rooms watching live people pretend to be people they’re not.