Tag Archives: Jen Chia
Misfit Nerds Spell ‘Winning” In MNM’s Putnam Spelling Bee
That every hero and heroine in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee is a misfit we secretly recognize from the bathroom mirror explains how this musical has thrived 17 years. Add to successful productions, MNM Theatre Company’s accumulation of youngsters trying to find their self-worth amid the high-pressure competition of the bee finals.
Slow Burn’s Spring Awakening Blossoms At Broward Center
Since you can understand the lyrics here better than in any previous production, Slow Burn Theatre Co.’s Spring Awakening, the powerful punch and pungent poetry come through with a clarity that elevates this edition over the others. It ranks among the troupe’s most polished, accomplished and effective work.
Can You Spell Hilarious Or Poignant? Slow Burn’s Bee Can
Slow Burn Theatre Company gives the perennial favorite The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee as excellent a production as we’ve seen of it, hitting the perfect balance between the hilarious and poignant, marked with a child’s exuberance for living and an adult’s compassion for the angst over the process of losing innocence.