Tag Archives: Gregg Weiner
Million Dollar Quartet’s Reprise At Actors’ Rocks Once Again
So…what do Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis have in store for an encore in Actors’ Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre’s much-anticipated return engagement of Million Dollar Quartet? The foursome has re-created sounds that seem more crisp and controlled, without losing the vibrancy and electricity audiences ate up during the 2016 production.
Wit And Wisdom, Life And Death Spar in Dramaworks’ Premiere of Edgar (Poe) & Emily (Dickinson)
Edgar & Emily, the premiere at Palm Beach Dramaworks, is a fascinating and funny fantasia about Edgar Allan Poe visiting Emily Dickinson late one night dragging his coffin behind him. Joseph McDonough’s wry play examines sensitive introspective artists’ challenge to be fully alive in the ever-present shadow of death – an evening laced with copious quips and witty banter.
So, The Dead Edgar Allen Poe Drops Into Emily Dickinson’s Bedroom With His Coffin….
Emily Dickinson is huddling in her bed when Edgar Allen Poe barges into her bedroom pulling his coffin behind him. This is even stranger than it sounds since Poe is believed to have died about 15 years earlier. Such is opening of the world premiere, Edgar and Emily, opening this weekend at Palm Beach Dramaworks.
GableStage’s If I Forget: Powerful Tale of Family Strife Over Cultural History
Raging family dysfunction played against an equally volatile backdrop of social upheaval makes for two seemingly separate but brilliantly acted and directed plays united in GableStage’s production of If I Forget — the emotional equivalent of a skiff tossed about in a raging tempest in the middle of a wintry ocean.
City Theatre’s Crackling, Provocative ‘Building the Wall’ Plays a Dystopian Trump Card
City Theatre’s production of Building the Wall opens with audio of then-candidate Donald Trump spewing some of his more incendiary anti-immigration rhetoric. The first line has yet to be spoken, and already you can feel your blood pressure start to rise.
No Frills, No Problem: Masterly McPherson Monologue Gets the Ground Up & Rising Treatment
Gregg Weiner captures the audience in Ground Up and Rising’s bare bones production of Conor McPherson’s monologue The Good Thief at South Miami-
Dade Cultural Arts Center
Issues, Not Emotions Rule In MiND’s Intriguing New Courtroom Drama ‘Terror’
In a chilly sleek courtroom as clinical as a laboratory dissection tray, thousands of human lives, morality, principles and the law are piled on opposite pans of the scale – except it’s not blind justice holding the scales, but we in the audience in Miami New Drama’s intellectually-challenging courtroom drama Terror, having its American premiere.
A Hilarious God Sits Down To Explain It All To You, Sort Of
God is just like you and me – genial, well-meaning, chatty and, while omniscient and omnipotent, also flawed enough to make universe-shaking mistakes. At least that’s the God that actor Tom Wahl, director Joe Adler and playwright David Javerbaum offer during a delightful, hilarious and subversively insightful evening in GableStage’s An Act of God.