Tag Archives: Andy Quiroga
Summer Shorts 2019 Unusually Consistently Entertaining
This 24th annual Summer Shorts festival of short plays scores as the most consistent, polished and satisfying work beginning to end that City Theatre has produced in recent seasons.
This Season’s Winter Shorts Is A Mixed Bag At City Theatre
Much like the holiday season itself, there are things to endure and other instances that are jolly. That’s the mixed bag of City Theatre’s Winter Shorts now playing at the Carnival Studio Theater at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts.
Multi-Cultural Our Town Underscores Its Universality
Amazingly, in 2017 with its video games, alt right-antifa strife and uber-sophistication, Our Town is still our town. And no more so than in Miami New Drama’s inventive and often touching production that underscores the values of community in a time when our country seems as divided as it has ever been.
Alliance Bathes Frankie and Johnny In Quirky Moonlight
The Alliance Theatre paints a lovely, off-beat love affair between two wounded souls in Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune
Broward Stage Door’s Dramedy Butterflies Are Free Is Diverting Enough But Doesn’t Soar
The script for 1969’s Butterflies Are Free, holds up much better than you’d expect at its revival at Broward Stage Door. But while Stage Door’s edition under director Michael Leeds is a pleasant enough afternoon’s diversion of humor and emotion, it’s never terribly compelling and the whole thing could use more pizzazz to make it feel satisfying.
Juan C. Sanchez’s Disturbing Collection Of Playlets Is Anything But Paradise
Juan C. Sanchez’s Paradise Motel begins in the clouds and ends in the sewer. Charting five decades in the devolution of a fictional motel on Calle Ocho—and the parade of lovers, hustlers, sharks and addicts that have occupied its rooms—this collection of seven playlets presents an uncompromising vision of urban decay that will ring wincingly true for its Miami audience
Energetic Topspin Helps Moon Over Buffalo Farce Rise Over Stage Door
It’s not the slamming doors, Marx Brothers chases or repartee that make Broward Stage Door’s farce Moon Over Buffalo an enjoyable afternoon laughing at the foibles of vainglorious creatures who, of course, bear no relation to our own imperfections. It’s the cast’s unflagging energy the topspin on a put-down, comic timing and scores of bits of business..
Shorts Gone Wild Isn’t Particularly Wild, But It Is Consistently Funny
Shorts Gone Wild is pretty tame stuff for South Florida, but this outing of light comedies with a live-and-let-live LGBT message is more consistently entertaining than some of City Theatre’s earlier forays into an alternative adults-only version of its venerable Summer Shorts program.
StageBill: If The Carbonells Only Had A Couple More Slots
The Carbonell Awards ceremony falls on April Fools’ Day (restrain your quips), But that also means it’s time for the annual grousing column about nominations.That said, I wish the judges had the ability to expand the list of nominees by one or two slots at will. So here is my personal “Youze wuz robbed” list.