Tag Archives: Corey Vega
A New Company, Loxen, Bows Little Shop Of Horrors In Miami
It’s always commendable to have new theaters with emerging talent start in South Florida, especially when the goal is to feature local performers. Loxen Productions shows potential with its fourth production, Little Shop of Horrors, performed in its permanent home, the ARTime Theater in Miami.
Matilda Will Charm The Kids, But Will Resonate With Their Folks
Area Stage Company’s Matilda is not really a children’s musical, although children will have a fine time when they are not storing up nightmarish images for future midnights. Matilda’s witty lyrics, satirical jibes and a multi-level script with psychological overtones are really aimed at those parents bringing their children.
Imagination Makes Area Stage’s Wizard Of Oz For Adults & Kids
Hearing that Area Stage Company is mounting The Wizard of Oz might make childless theatergoers pass. It would be their loss. Director Giancarlo Rodaz, his inexhaustible cast and creative crew have constructed a charming, witty and entertaining riff whose sterling quality is how they resourcefully solve staging problems that otherwise would require a far bigger budget.
Freaky Friday Is Fun For Kids, But Resonating For Adults
Put aside your expectations that the musical Freaky Friday is going to be yet another manipulative Disney raid on its popular film titles, designed primarily for those who fondly recall one of three cinematic versions. Instead, Slow Burn Theatre Company has delivered a thoroughly enchanting evening, one of most polished and downright fun productions it has offered in recent years.
Imagination Substitutes For Big Budget In Delightful Shrek
Director Giancarlo Rodaz made a virtue out of a tiny budget by substituting imagination for cash plus a joyful embrace of theatrical artifice in his production of Shrek the Musical at Area Stage Company.
Slow Burn’s Heathers Sings To The Teenage Misfit In Us All
You know you wanted to murder some abusive soul-crushing bullies and snobs when you were in high school. Heathers knows it and wants to liberate your daydream. So do the cool kids and not-so-cool kids at Slow Burn Theatre Company giving a hilarious don’t-miss production of the 2014 off-Broadway musical version of the 1988 cult classic film.
Slow Burn Lands Really Big Fish In Bow At The Broward Center
With this production of Big Fish, Slow Burn Theatre Company has proven itself with no asterisks to be the equal of any company producing musicals in the region, some with far more resources, government grants and well-heeled donors — not to mention among the most adventurous in tackling what few others attempt.