Tag Archives: Conor Walton
Outre Delivers Harrowing Edition Of The Normal Heart
The level of anger, helplessness and sorrow rises inexorably along with the death toll like flood waters from a storm surge in Outré Theatre Company’s shattering production of The Normal Heart. The play documenting the AIDS epidemic in New York City during the early 1980s is depicted with scorching and excoriating emotional honesty.
Outre’s Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson Is, Well, Bloody Good
With bracing anger, profuse profanity and biting satire that is more slashing than surgical, Outre Theatre Company’s Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson will not to be everyone’s taste but for those whose preference run more to Rent than Mamma Mia, this is your acidic cup of tea.
This Is A First Date Worth Going Out On At Actors’ Playhouse
The utterly charming new show at Actors’ Playhouse is a musical for, by and about the 21st Century Urban Neurotic Young Adult in that eternal crucible of awkward human relations: the “First Date.”
Slow Burn Prevails Over Difficult Chess Match
Slow Burn Theatre Company has once again tackled a difficult show in Chess that few if any Florida companies would attempt. And once again, it has come out the victor, at least as victorious as any production can be of this work that divides audiences.
Pippin May Feel A Bit Threadbare, But BRTG Delivers Vibrant Performances
Those big budget companies make productions with much smaller budgets such as Boca Raton Theatre Guild seem to be missing something – when, in fact, their Pippin this season has outstanding elements that are just as fine as those found in better heeled-companies.
Not At All For Everyone, Outre’s Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson Was A Bloody Bloody Blast
Outré Theatre Company staged a concert version of Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson this past weekend at Mizner Park to see whether the fledgling company could pull off the logistics and to ask the audience whether they want to see a full production. Count this as the first enthusiastic “yes.”
Slow Burn’s Wedding Singer May Be A Trifle But It’s A Cute Hoot
fSlow Burn Theatre Company’s daffy production of the summer trifle The Wedding Singer feels like a sweet, sloppy kiss from a scruffy dog that could really use a trip to the groomer, but who’s lovable all the same. What this silly smile of a show undeniably lacks in polish and consistency, its cast makes up for with grinning enthusiasm and goofball abandon
Side Show Burns With Passion About Love Among Outsiders
There is more passion pouring off the stage in Slow Burn Theatre Company’s thrilling Side Show than in ten other musicals we’ve seen in the past year put together. That may result in one too many deafening power ballad after power ballad for some tastes and eardrums, but for those wanting to be touched by a poignant, but very dark tale skillfully delivered, Side Show is a powerful example of what the modern musical can be.
Slow Burn’s Delightful Spoof Xanadu Skates On Campy Humor
A goofball sensibility drenches Slow Burn Theatre Company’s first summer froth-fest, the loopy lampoon of the flop movie musical Xanadu. To be truthful, the company was far funnier, crisper and engaging in Urinetown, but it would take a congenital curmudgeon not to acknowledge that the troupe’s enthusiasm is incurably infectious and winning.